Adolphe Moffatt was officially baptized Alexis Moyses Moffatt (digitized page from the register of the parish of Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue-de-la-Rivière-du-Loup (Louiseville), June 2, 1825. Accessed June 21, 2017 on the website of Genealogie Québec - Institut généalogique Drouin, <https://www.genealogiequebec.com>). However, Adolphe Moffatt's name often changes from one official document to another. Adolphe Moffatt himself uses several forms such as: Adolphe, Adolphus, Alexandre-Adolphe, Alexandre-Moïse-Adolphe, A.M.A., etc. To facilitate reading, we have chosen the form most commonly used in the documents consulted.
Also, when citing this heritage tour, please do so as follows: Sébastien Daviau, Jean-Luc Brazeau, and Édith Prégent. If buildings could speak. A historical and architectural tour of Vaudreuil-Dorion. Vaudreuil-Dorion, City of Vaudreuil-Dorion / Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, 2017, <https://www.circuitvd.ca>, accessed [insert date].
Anonymous, « Reconduit à sa dernière demeure. Funérailles imposantes de M. Adolphe Moffatt, à Vaudreuil », La Presse, August 1902. Author’s note: Excerpt graciously provided by Mr. Pierre McDuff. Although the exact date of construction of the former Saint-Michel College is unclear (see this building’s file), it is assumed that it existed in 1847.
To facilitate reading and to respect Vaudreuil-Dorion’s historical development, the text in this heritage tour uses the names of Vaudreuil or Dorion for events prior to 1994, year in which the cities merged.
Digitized page from the registry of Notre-Dame de Montréal parish, December 23, 1835, accessed on June 21, 2017 on the Généalogie Québec website - Institut généalogique Drouin, <https://www.genealogiequebec.com>. Just like that of her husband, Sarah-Jeanne's name is written in different ways. In the parish registry of Notre-Dame de Montréal and Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil, it is written Sarah-Jane, Sarah, Sarah, Sara, Geneviève-Sara, Geneviève-Sarah, and Sarah-Jeanne. Again, to facilitate reading, we have chosen the form most commonly used in the documents consulted.
Digitized page from the registry of Notre-Dame de Montréal parish, October 19, 1853, accessed on June 21, 2017 on the Généalogie Québec website - Institut généalogique Drouin, <https://www.genealogiequebec.com>.
Pierre Benoit and Huguette Aubin. Baptêmes de la paroisse Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil, 1773-2005. Montréal, Société généalogique canadienne-française, volume 2, 2007, p. 897-898 and Pierre Benoit and Huguette Aubin. Sépultures 1773-2005. Funérailles 1994-2005 de la paroisse Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil. Montréal, Société généalogique canadienne-française, 2007, p. 441-442.
Centre d’archives de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Collection MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, I05/A5,5,002, December 23, 1859, [Original text] « Reçu de Mr F. de S. Bastien secrétaire-trésorier du conseil de comté de Vaudreuil, la somme de deux louis courant pour prix des plans du palais de justice du sous dit comté de Vaudreuil Alex M. Adolphus Moffatt ».
Pierre Benoit and Huguette Aubin. Baptêmes de la paroisse Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil, 1773-2005. Montréal, Société généalogique canadienne-française, volume 2, 2007, p. 897; Dossier documentaire Adolphe Moffatt, Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges; Centre d’archives de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Henry de Lotbinière Harwood Fund, P06/G.
City of Vaudreuil-Dorion, archives, Minutes of the Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil Village Corporation, 1855-1875.
Adhémar Jeannotte. Vaudreuil. Notes historiques (1702-1963). Vaudreuil, Éditions Vaudreuil, 2e édition, 1982 [1964], p. 94.
Anonymous, « Reconduit à sa dernière demeure. Funérailles imposantes de M. Adolphe Moffatt, à Vaudreuil », La Presse, August 1902. Author’s note: Excerpt graciously provided by Mr. Pierre McDuff.
Pierre Benoit and Huguette Aubin. Sépultures 1773-2005. Funérailles 1994-2005 de la paroisse Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil. Montréal, Société généalogique canadienne-française, 2007, p. 442.
Recensements du Canada, District Vaudreuil, 1851 et 1861. Accessed June 18, 2017 on the Bibliothèque et Archives Canada website, <http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/fra/recensements/Pages/recensements.aspx>.
Centre d'archives de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, microfilms, m. not., François-de-Sales Bastien, December 18, 1867. Sale by Robert William Harwood, esquire and justice of the peace of the Vaudreuil Parish, to Alexandre-Moïse-Adolphus Moffatt of a piece of land located in the village of Vaudreuil forming part of the Domaine du Bois-Vert without any buildings [lot no. 205], m. not., François-de-Sales Bastien, October 22, 1868. Obligation by Alexandre-Moïse-Adolphus Moffatt, teacher of the Vaudreuil Parish to Georges Boucher, merchant of the City of Montréal for the sum of $400. Adolphe Moffatt offers as security [Original text] « un lopin de terre sis et situé au village de la dite paroisse de Vaudreuil […] avec une maison en construction » and Bureau de la publicité des droits de la circonscription foncière de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, registration no. 27143, m. not., Solyme-Auguste Brodeur, January 12, 1897. Sale by Moïse-Adolphe Moffatt, former teacher of the village of Vaudreuil to Narcisse Lalonde, farmer of the Vaudrueil Parish of a site located in the village of Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil (lot no 205) with a house and other buildings.
Lovell's directory, 1897-1902. Accessed June 18, 2017 on the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec website, <http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/lovell/>.
Anonymous, « Reconduit à sa dernière demeure. Funérailles imposantes de M. Adolphe Moffatt, à Vaudreuil », La Presse, August 1902. Author’s note: Excerpt graciously provided by Mr. Pierre McDuff.
Pierre Benoit and Huguette Aubin. Sépultures 1773-2005. Funérailles 1994-2005 de la paroisse Saint-Michel de Vaudreuil. Montréal, Société généalogique canadienne-française, 2007, p. 192 and 441.