Harwood Elementary School
Current name École primaire Harwood
Original vocation Elementary school, Dorion Gardens Protestant Elementary School
Address 186 8th Avenue, Vaudreuil-Dorion
Construction date 1966-1967
Architect, Firm or Contractor William George de Belle and John Edric White, De Belle & White Firm; Morris Greenbaum (1988 renovation and expansion in 1991); Richard Tobin (expansion in 1995)
Architectural type Institutional and non-residential
Status Institutional property (Centre de services scolaire des Trois-Lacs)
Located in the Dorion Gardens residential project1, Harwood Elementary School was built in 1966-1967 from plans drawn up by architects William George de Belle and John Edric White (De Belle & White)2. The building was originally designed for the Protestant School Municipality of Île Perrot3. On November 10, 1967, the Dorion Gardens Protestant Elementary School officially opened4. For budgetary and demographic reasons, the school closed in June 19815. Seven years later (September 1988), the entirely renovated school is reopened under a new name: « École primaire Harwood ». It becomes one of the five French institutions of the Lakeshore School Board6. On July 1, 1998, religious school boards were replaced by linguistic ones, and the school became part of the Commission scolaire des Trois-Lacs7.
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Before Harwood Elementary School in 1991. © Centre d’archives de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Centenaire de Dorion Fund, M01.
After Harwood Elementary School. © Bernard Bourbonnais – Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, 2017.
To facilitate reading and to respect Vaudreuil-Dorion’s historical development, the text in this heritage tour uses the names of Vaudreuil or Dorion for events prior to 1994, year in which the cities merged.
Also, when citing this heritage tour, please do so as follows: Sébastien Daviau, Jean-Luc Brazeau, and Édith Prégent. If buildings could speak. A historical and architectural tour of Vaudreuil-Dorion. Vaudreuil-Dorion, City of Vaudreuil-Dorion / Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, 2017, <https://www.circuitvd.ca>, accessed [insert date].
Lester B. Pearson School Board, Archives, Île Perrot Fund, P.S. Mun., R-0532, Proposed plans Dorion School, De Belle & White Architects.
Lester B. Pearson School Board, Archives, Minutes of the Protestant School Municipality of Île Perrot, July 17, 1965 to June 28, 1966, meeting of July 20, 1965 and Bureau de la publicité des droits de la circonscription foncière de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, registration number 107327, March 30, 1967. Notice given by Economic Structural Steel Inc. of Montréal which carried out steel structural work for the Dorion Elementary School owned by the Protestant School Municipality of Île Perrot.
Lester B. Pearson School Board, Archives, Minutes from Protestant School Municipality of Ile Perrot, from June 20, 1967 to June 17, 1969, meeting of October 3, 1967.
Lester B. Pearson School Board, Archives, Minutes of the Council of Commissioners of the Lakeshore School Board, March 9 to June 22, 1981, meeting of March 9, 1981.
Lester B. Pearson School Board, Archives, Minutes from Protestant School Municipality of Ile Perrot, from June 20, 1967 to June 17, 1969, meeting of October 3, 1967 and Claire Sabourin et al. Dorion, au fil des ans. Livre souvenir du Centenaire de Dorion 1891-1991. Dorion, Ville de Dorion, 1991, Sco 27.
Centre de services scolaire des Trois-Lacs, Archives, Minutes of the Provisional Council. Commission scolaire francophone, meeting of February 3, 1998, CP 98-02-79.